Tune into KZYX&Z’s Be More Now show at 7pm on Thursday, May 4 when host Blake More will interview Mendocino County authors Dot Brovarney and Kate Dougherty. They will be discussing Brovarney’s new book, Mendocino Refuge: Lake Leonard & Reeves Canyon, which explores…
Tune into KZYX&Z’s Be More Now show at 7pm on Thursday, April 6 when host Blake More will interview Felicia Rice and Theresa Whitehill, the creators of Heavy Lifting, as well as contributor Sidney Regelbrugge, Mendocino County’s Youth Poet Laureate. Heavy Lifting, the outcome of a collaboration between artist/printer Felicia Rice and poet Theresa Whitehill is…
On Saturday, April 1, from 7-7:30, Cartwheels on the Sky with Blake More features part 3 down poetry lane, featuring Silent Motif, Conference of the Poets, a compilation poetry CD put together by poet Kirk Lumplin with Berkeley Musicians Robert Keller and Paul Mills, as well as Nymphya…part 1 of 2…
On Saturday, March 4, from 7-7:30, Cartwheels on the Sky with Blake More features part 2 down poetry lane, featuring Silent Motif, Conference of the Poets, a compilation poetry CD put together by poet Kirk Lumplin with Berkeley Musicians Robert Keller and Paul Mills, as well as Nymphya…part 1 of 2…
Here are a few of my poem movies from YouTube. It is by no means an exhaustive list, as there are many more. I am working on creating some sort of an archive, and most likely will eventually self-host, but for now, I’m offering a few chestnuts to warm your soul…
On Saturday, February 4, from 7-7:30, Cartwheels on the Sky with Blake More features for yet another trip down poetry lane, this time featuring Silent Motif, Conference of the Poets, a compilation poetry CD put together by poet Kirk Lumplin with Berkeley Musicians Robert Keller and Paul Mills, as well as Nymphya…part 1 of 2…
Tune into KZYX&Z’s Be More Now program at 7pm on Thursday, February 2 for a conversational blend of painting, process and artistic discovery with artist Lauren Sinnott. Lauren and Blake will be discussing Lauren’s bright life and colorful contributions to the Mendocino county urban landscape, including her block long history mural in Ukiah…
Tune into KZYX&Z’s Be More Now program at 7pm on Thursday, January 5 for yet another trip down poetry lane, this time featuring Silent Motif, Conference of the Poets, a compilation poetry CD put together by poet Kirk Lumplin with Berkeley Musicians Robert Keller and Paul Mills, as well as Nymphya…
On Saturday, December 3, from 7-7:30, Cartwheels on the Sky with Blake More features Anchor Bay writer/poet/teacher and radio host Mark Stanford Gross. We’ll will be discussing Gross’s writing and how he inspires others to find the impetus to explore and express themselves through creative writing…
Tune into KZYX&Z’s Be More Now program at 7pm on Thursday, December 1 when host Blake More will interview Mendocino County writer/poet/teacher and radio host Mark Stanford Gross. We’ll will be discussing Gross’s writing and how he inspires others to find the impetus to explore…
Tune into KZYX&Z’s Be More Now program at 7pm on Thursday, Oct 6 when host Blake More will interview the Anchor Bay poet John Allen Cann. They will be discussing Cann’s poetry and how it expresses itself in his life and community. Topics include being in the moment, finding one’s voice, inspiration and lots of lots of poetry…
On Saturday, Oct 1, from 7-7:30, Cartwheels on the Sky with Blake More features Anchor Bay Poet John Allen Cann. They will be discussing Cann’s poetry and how it expresses itself in his life and community. Topics include being in the moment, finding one’s voice, inspiration and lots of lots of poetry….
On Saturday, September 3, from 7-7:30, Cartwheels on the Sky features bi-coastal NYC/SF Jazz performance poet and longtime Town Crier Raymond Nat Turner. The show will look at the placement of poetry in community, finding one’s voice and fearless expression, which a number of very good poems sprinkled among it all…
Tune into KZYX&Z’s Be More Now program at 7pm on Thursday, Sept 1 when host Blake More will interview the bi-coastal NYC/SF Jazz performance poet and longtime Town Crier Raymond Nat Turner. They will be discussing the placement of poetry in community, finding one’s voice and fearless expression, which a number of very good poems…
Tune into KZYX&Z’s Be More Now show at 7pm on Thursday, August 4 when host Blake More will interview Mendocino County treasure, writer/performer Sherry Glaser. Their conversation is a mix of comedy and philosophy, activism and linguistics, as she discusses her latest creative offering, a book entitled: Mama’s 1st Pocket Chicktionary: Taking…