I have many different options and sometimes options can be combined to suit group needs. If you have a group that would like to “mix and match” some of the options below, please let me know. I offer half day, full day, weekend, and ongoing workshops — online and in person, at festivals and other venues. More information in each of the individual listings below.
- Renaissance 101 — Be Dance Garden Eat Make Center equals a life well lived. A workshop primer.
- Plan B: Cultivating Muse — Awaken and embody your creative expression to activate your dreams, ambitions and desires; this workshop is for those who know they are being guided into something new, but seek guidance in deciphering the path.
- Be More You Activation -this 9 month online and residency workshop offers regular private and group sessions with concrete steps, daily practices and creativity exercises for those wanting to dive deeper into the portal of self and release the muse within.
- Demystifying Dysmorphia — Replacing self-loathing with self-love – the path to freedom and joy is waiting for you to chose it.
All offerings are available in person or via Zoom as private sessions, short term group sessions and as a year long residency course. Please contact me for more information.
Renaissance 101
Be Dance Garden Eat Make Center.

In this workshop you will strengthen your self-love and supercharge your creativity. This is the Master workshop, the one where all elements of your life become a choice that impacts the present moment.
From the first outfit of the day, the foods you eat and the ingredients you put on your skin, to the work you do, the exercise you choose, and the home you live in, our choices impact us in profound and subtle ways, and often we take many of these choices for granted.
Often times we are so caught up in the big projects, the big goals, we forget the simple acts of creativity that eventually add up to a lifetime of accomplishment. How you feel impacts how you act, and unless there is genuine self-love, we will constantly be striving for the next accolade or goal. This is because we compete against ourselves. While this is a good thing in moderation, in today’s western society, it is crippling creativity. I cannot tell you how many people say to me “I’m just not creative. I leave that up to you artists.” Well hot damn, everyone is an artist! I can prove it to you!
In-person group & private workshops, Zoom and telephone sessions are available by appointment. Please contact me for more information.
Plan B - Cultivating Muse
Embody your creative expression and activate your dreams & desires.

This is the workshop for anyone looking to activate more unabashed, wildly fun, loving, creative expression in their daily lives.
Creativity is about choosing, exploring and cultivating. It is not the destination. It is the journey, which is 100 percent paved by your inner muse. In other words, the most efficient way to widen the path is to nurture and nature your inner muse.
Who is your inner muse you ask? She is the voice that remains when the critic is silenced. She is male, she is female, she is fluid. She really doesn’t care what label you give her, as long as you give into her creative urgings once and while — which of course only makes her come around more! (And if you are not careful, she will take over your life!)
But seriously, most of us were taught that the muse is something outside of ourselves, a mysterious Greek Goddess who inspired Socrates and his pals. She was the revered creative in a world dominated by the mind — something safely outside ourselves.
But the muse is very much inside each and every one of us, and it is time to stop outsourcing her.
“But she is silent” people often say to me. Ha, she is never silent I say, she just can’t be heard though the clamor of self-judgement and doubt. It is time to stop saying “I’m just not creative” — because you are! And she is waiting to play and encourage you to be more authentically YOU!
In-person group & private workshops, Zoom and telephone sessions are available by appointment. Please contact me for more information.
B More You Activation
Nine month online workshop with two north coast weekends

Are you ready to take your self love to the next level — then Activate and B More You!
Life is simple, or it could be, if we allowed ourselves to sit inside the sacredness of our true selves. We actually are the ones we are waiting for, and we have the tools to do what it takes to uplift our lives to embody our true purpose.
This activation offers you tools and teaches you skills for incorporating the simple language of love, the magical realism of creative expression and the sophistication of sacred geometry to activate the muse within!
You have what it takes and all you have to do is say yes!
In-person group & private workshops, Zoom and telephone sessions are available by appointment. Please contact me for more information.
Demystifying Dysmorphia
Relinquishing self-loathing and other familial and cultural overlay patterns.

Do you see yourself differently than others see you? Are you unhappy with your body? Do you feel frustrated by the energy and self-esteem you waste worrying about your waistband? Is your obsession with meals and meal planning hampering productivity and personal relationships?
You are not alone, and whether you think you are fat and you are pencil thin, you use food to keep others at bay, and/or anything in between, this workshop is for you. The way I see it, we all have some form of eating disorder; some of us are just more acute than others.
There is no shame in body dysmorphia , it is a simple fact that all of us deal with. With that lie out of the way, we set about rewiring our brains, hearts and behaviors to remove the stigma of our obsessions and discover ways to turn them into a lifestyle that values and honors our beautiful bodies.
Demystifying Dysmorphia is designed to bring community, honesty, and concrete steps to liberating yourself from the dissatisfaction-with-self con. I offer tried and true ways to learn to love yourself exactly as you are, offering simple daily rituals to self-nuture and nourish your deepest hungers for connection and communion.
Working with all ages, I offer this workshop as private sessions, short term group sessions and as a year long residency course.
Read a first-person article I wrote for Yoga Journal about experience with anorexia and bulimia.
In-person sessions and workshops, Zoom and telephone sessions are available by appointment. Please contact me for more information.
Want to ask me a question? Get a free consultation? Learn about an upcoming workshop? Send me an email!