

Here you will find books, calendars, artwork and more. Take a look and enjoy. New things arriving regularly. Contact me if you see something you would like to purchase or commission.

dystopia unplugged
dystopia unplugged: please talk back, by blake more

Published in March 2024, dystopia unplugged: please talk back is A 95 page collection of poetry, created by Blake More as a call to discussion, empathy and understanding. It is my attempt to make peace out of the “pandemic” that changed so many of our lives forever.

The poems in this collection gave me an outlet for an expression I was not supposed to make in polite company. Art provides wiggle room, and I took every elbow space I could, reading these poems aloud to anyone who would listen – on the phone, in grocery store parking lots, around campfires and at our monthly poetry & jazz event. It was scary, and even so, I stayed true to my heart and did my best to forgive others for what they thought of me. I am a utopist, so even my most challenging poetry shines light on what is possible when we choose love.

My hope is that as you read these poems, you allow yourself to contemplate our society, our culture and its leaders with inquisitive eyes, perhaps realizing that so much of what we have been told begs a second meditation.

Everything we need to transform our world is already present. We can reclaim our creative value and shift the narrative to one of unity and peace. It says so right here…on Earth.

2024 Calendar

It’s not to late to order yours. Contact me for a limited edition calendar.

godmeat, by blake more
A 128 page collection of poetry, prose, and artwork created by Blake More.  Godmeat was initially published in 2008 by Beatitude Press in Berkeley.  The first edition came with a DVD containing three “poem movies” and one 25 minute audio poem.  This is the books second edition printing. Run by poet HD Moe, Beatitude Press focused on publishing the lesser known, “Baby Beats”, and Blake More came into the North Beach poetry world in the late 80s and was fortunate to be taken under the wings of some very accomplished next generation of beat poets.  Blake consented to being included in their imprint as long as they let her do all her own layout and design.  A limited number of DVDs are available for $5 upon request.
New Age Anonymous: 12 Steps for the Recovering New Ager, by blake more & Paul Reynolds

Humanity Grant me the serenity to accept life without astrology
The Courage to change my name back to what it was
And the Wisdom to know that aliens can’t save me

This humor book is a parody of the New Age disguised as a Twelve Step Program for New Ageahoiics (NAA). The book includes Twelve Steps, Two Stories of Recovery, and A Glossary of New Speak, wonderful illustrations and more!

What people are saying about NAA:

“I knew I was healed when the Whole Life Expo came to town and I went to the 49er game. Thank you NAA, I’m grateful to have my priorities back.”–F.S., Mill Valley, CA

“Finally, a group of people who don’t care about rising signs!”–T.M., Maui, HI

“After just three months of untherapy, my inner child is safely back in the closet–where she belongs!.”–P.W., Sandpoint, ID

Up in the Me World, by blake more

The freedom book. Put this one together at the conclusion of a 8 year relationship — freedom and sadness, oh how they can be a yin yang.


late evalall woman in paradise
Late Ev(e)al Woman in Paradise, by blake more

My classic. Came out in 1999 and I used the proceeds to help send me to Mexico and Cuba.  The first edition was Printed on recycled money.

Second edition forthcoming.

Mendocino County Youth Poetry Anthologies

Anthologies of youth poetry written during California Poets In The Schools poet teacher residencies throughout Mendocino County K-12 schools, dating back to 2013. This collection features a wide range of age groups and communities from within the county.

Future Medicine’s Definitive Guide to Headaches, by Dr. Robert Milne, MD & Blake More

Offers natural therapies to eliminate all types of headaches, including migraine, sinus, and tension

Want to ask me a question about a product?  Send me an email!