Fred and Cheryl Mitouer of Transformational Bodywork Associates and Somatic Agency, and their co-producer Blake More, present the 21st Annual Dragons’ Breath Theatre Variety Show & Art Walk — Virtually via Zoom! The online show will start at 6:30 with a special glimpse through the dragons’ gate and promises many of your favorite faces from past shows…
This week’s Cartwheels on the Sky feature is Kirk Lumpkin — poet, spoken word & performance artist, lyricist, and environmentalist. Since moving to Mendocino County in 2016 he has become a California state certified Naturalist; a singer in a community choir, the Emandal Chorale; and a Board member of the Willits Environmental Center…
Tune into KZYX&Z’s Be More Now program at 7pm on Thursday, September 3 when host Blake More will interview the 2020 Berkeley Lifetime Achievement Awardee, SF Poet Michael Warr. The will be discussing his work as a poet, his latest book Of Poetry and Protest: From Emmett Till to Trayvon Martin…
This week’s Cartwheels on the Sky feature’s Jabez W. Churchill — some call him Bill, others Jabez — he says he has two names, matching his bilingual nature. Former Poet Laureate of Ukiah, Jabez W., Bill, Churchill first started submitting poetry for publication in 1979, became a member of the Ina Coolbrith Poertry Circle in Berkekey, maintaining this affiliation to date…
This week’s Cartwheels on the Sky feature’s the reigning Ukiah Poet Laureate Roberta Werndinger. Roberta Werdinger is a Zen priestess, poet, writer and editor. From 1995 to 2006 she studied Zen Buddhism at Green Gulch Farm and Tassajara Mountain Center. In 2006 she was head student, and left the monastery to pursue the path of writing. She has a long-term professional …
This interview feature’s the fantastic fort bragg poet Toni Bernbaum. Toni declares herself “a bandit of a poet†— Steeling the right to claim herself worthy of giving readings, accepting the blessing of being born with a poet’s soul, she embraces Mary Oliver as she proclaims her self to just let the *“soft fur of her body love what it loves.†Without a writing degree or teaching credit…
This interview features award-winning Ukiah poet Armand Brint. Holding an MFA in creative writing and English, Armand has devoted his life to teaching and writing poetry. Widely published in literary journals, he is also the author of four, soon to be five, volumes of poetry, as well as a book on writing poetry called, “Bringing Poems to Life: 16 Keys to Make Your Poems Sing.â€
KZYX&Z’s Be More Now program featuring Holly Stiel of Thank You Very Much, Inc. This interview features award-winning author, trainer and public speaker Holly Stiel, who is renowned world wide […]
A glimse into the now with Star Yantra. Star Yantra is a poetry artcar that started as a black, 1997 SL500 Mercedes convertible. Using a limited palette of five metallic leaf acrylics, blended to create the colors you see, I sought to convey cosmic joy, a reflection of earth in the sky mirror. A hand painted collage of poetry, dreamscapes & sacred images, Star Yantra is an magical bridge to the world of limitless possibilities. […]
KZYX&Z’s Be More Now program featuring host Blake More interviewing Abby Stoner and Emily McConnell of Woven Light Studio. We are discussing community in the time of Covid-19 and looking at […]
The covid continues. Such an interesting opportunity to be in witness.
This offering was inspired when creating a poetry lesson for youth of all ages called “Life After ~ Integrating the New You. Sometimes I am struck by a torrent of language. This is one such instance — and in it I realize I am a “political spiritual” poet. The meeting of the two fascinates me…
So everyone is talking about when the quarantine is going to be lifted. Some states are already allowed to incorporate some activity, and although many of us in California have to wait a few more weeks, we might as well imagine what it might look like when we start to put our toes back into the water of our collective gathering spots…
What do interesting people do to combat boredom besides looking it up in the dictionary? Well, for starters, they do anything but say “I’m bored.” That’s because boring is a state of mind, and by all accounts, you have to be pretty boring yourself to actually be bored. Seriously, life is full of…
As first published by Yoga Journal in May 1997, by Blake More…What do you do when your yoga practice becomes just one more way of telling yourself you’re not good enough? A few summers ago, I took a two-week teacher training course in southern California. During the training, two-thirds of the 24 women present admitted to having a troubled relationship with food. At least six—including myself—had once been hard-core…
Co-conspirators and hosts of the annual Dragons’ Breath Theatre, Fred Mitouer and Blake More like to talk meta. They speak in what Fred likes to call “shorthandâ€, and they have been talking like this for over 20 years. And since Blake likes technology, the two of them decided she would record one or five of their beloved […]