Dan Barth on Cartwheels on the Sky
Cartwheels on the Sky Featuring Dan Barth on KGUA FM Gualala
This week’s Cartwheels on the Sky feature the poems and process of Ukiah poet Daniel Barth, who works at home mornings as writer and editor. Afternoons he teaches and does library work at the City of Ten Thousand Buddhas. After that he saws, splits, mows, waters, rides his bike, walks and pokes at things with a bamboo hiking stick, just like Gandhi. His books include At the Corner of Vigor and Wisdom, The Day After Hank Williams’ Birthday and Fast Women Beautiful: Zen Beat Baseball Poems. Dan and his wife Mary live near the Russian River in the Talmage area of inland Mendocino County.
This show airs live from 7-7:30pm, Saturday, October 17 on KGUA FM 88.3 Gualala
From a Distance
From a distance a quail,
or sometimes two together,
can look like a cottontail.
But I’ll tell you this much—
to the best of my knowledge,
and based on observations—
rabbits can’t fly.
Dan Barth
Another Dream
In another dream
I’m living in Alaska,
an alternate life,
working as a lineman,
a pole climber.
Everything’s okay.
Things have gone well,
just differently—
a different wife,
a different life.
Dan Barth