Finding Strength and Light in the Dark
Lesson Introduction
Only in the darkness can you see the stars. There are times, when it seems that light will never come…
It is the center of winter and its cold and raining (or snowing) and it seems like the light will never return. It can also seem like this inside, that we are thrust into the deep shadows of ourselves, lurking around in negativity and bumping into feelings we did not know existed. Yet, even in the darkness, we can be our own light…This lesson is designed to get you thinking about that light, and hopefully inspires you to touch it.
I burn away;
my ashes are alive!
I die a thousand times.
My ashes dance back
a thousand new faces.
Mevlana Jalaluddin Rumi .
“I Choose” by India Arie
Because you never know where life is gonna take you
And you can’t change where you’ve been
But today, I have the opportunity to choose
Here I am now looking at thirty, and I got so much to say
Gotta get this off of my chest, I gotta let it go today
I was always too concerned about what everybody would think
But I can’t live for everybody; I gotta live my life for me, yeah
I’ve reached a fork in the road of my life where
Ain’t nothing gonna happen unless I decide
to be the best that I can be
(I choose) to be authentic in everything (I do)
My past don’t dictate who (I am)
(I choose)
I don’ been through some painful things I thought that I would never make it through
Filled up with shame from the top of my head to the soles of my shoes
I’ve put myself in so many chaotic circumstances
By the grace of God I’ve been given so many second chances
But today I decided to let it all go
I’m dropping these bags, I’m making room for my joy
to be the best that I can be
(I choose) to be authentic in everything (I do)
My past don’t dictate who (I am)
(I choose)
Because you never know where life is gonna take you
And you can’t change where you’ve been
But today, I have the opportunity to choose
Release the guilt about why things happen the way they did
‘Cause life is gonna do what it do
And everyday I have the opportunity to choose
From this day forward, I’m going to be exactly who I am
I don’t need to change the way that I live just to get a man, no
I even had a talk with my mama and I told her today I’m grown
From this day forward, every decision that I make will be my own
to be the best that I can be
(I choose) to be courageous in everything (I do)
My past don’t dictate who (I am)
(I choose)
to be the best that I can be
(I choose) to be authentic in everything (I do)
My past don’t dictate who (I am)
(I choose)
Because you never know where life is gonna take you
And you can’t change where you’ve been
But today, I have the opportunity to choose
Release the guilt about why things happen the way they did
‘Cause life is gonna do what it do
And everyday I have the opportunity to choose
Songwriters: India Arie / Andrew Castro / Mark Batson
I Choose lyrics © Warner Chappell Music, Inc, Ultra Tunes, Universal Music Publishing Group, Kobalt Music Publishing Ltd.

Self Quiz:
- Three things you love to do?
- Three things that you love/hate do that might not be so good for you?
Directions for Writing Your Own Poem
Things to Consider:
List at least three things that bring you joy (and of course, you could list more). Try to pick things that are good for you and that you do regularly.
- walking on the beach
- doing yoga
- cooking for others
Now make a list of three things that you do to make yourself feel better that only make you feel better for a little bit (and actually are copying methods that aren’t so good for you!)
6. staying up till 4am and getting up at 8am
7. binge watching the Great British Bake-Off
8. eating too much chocolate
Now add detail to each:
- walking on the beach–details could include: sunset, crisp wind, barefoot, pink sky, lapping waves, smiling heart, etc.
- doing yoga — details could include: yoga mat, relaxing music, breathing past lack, calming the mind, centering, grounding, reorienting priorities
- cooking for others — details could include vegan challenges, outdoor dinner parties, pots of soup, raving reviews
- staying up till 4am and getting up at 8am — details could include waking up groggy, foggy head, swollen eyes, wired all day, extra hungry
- binge watching the Great British Bake-Off — details could include procrastinating, not reading my school books, wasting hours, not savoring the show
- eating too much chocolate– details could include staying up all night, caffeine jitters, stomach ache, sugar high
provide an image and a feeling combination
a) my frustration going out to see on the lapping waves like the tide
b) I feel like a pillow with no head, yawning when I’m supposed to be awake
using the above brainstorm as your starting place — seed words/inspirations
Borrow from one of the examples on this page and use the brainstorm above to:
1) write a list or how-to poem about how you make yourself and others feel better (examples: 12 Things I Do)
2) write a prayer or a message to yourself (or your parents or friends or siblings, etc) (poem examples: We are the Ones; Break the Mold)
3) write a letter to yourself from your future self, perhaps offering advice on how to stay positive as you navigate this time. (poem examples: I Choose, The Day; Want)
4) write an ode to a part of yourself that you love (poem examples: Non-Existent Heart),
Example Poem (#3 -- written from the perspective of a future self talking to me now)
“Without tears in the eyes, there is no rainbow in the heart.” African Proverb
I know what I like
but like is not necessarily
what I want
life is particular like that
how one is required to decide
before something can happen
yet I can’t seem to want
to pick a path
deciding I like not knowing
like living on the driftwood
between past and future
sheepishly calling it the present
that place with nothing
but water
no shore
connecting me to my future
I don’t know
what it is
other than to notice how much
unfolds in this middle of moment expanse
and the peaches are so so ripe
and why not make jam
then go for a walk
and get out my tiny brush, dip it into green paint
watch the canvas unfurl
play that song for the fourth time
because I can
why choose
all roads end up
right here
where I am
Blake More
****Now It is your turn****
I can't wait to experience what you write!
Audio & Video Inspiration

We are the Ones
We’ve Been Waiting For
You have been telling people
that this is the Eleventh Hour,
now you must go back and tell the people
that this is the Hour.
And there are things to be considered…
Where are you living?
What are you doing?
What are your relationships?
Are you in right relation?
Where is your water?
Know your garden.
It is time to speak your truth.
Create your community.
Be good to each other.
And do not look outside yourself for your leader.
Then he clasped his hands together, smiled,
and said, “This could be a good time!
There is a river flowing now very fast.
It is so great and swift
that there are those who will be afraid.
They will try to hold on to the shore.
They will feel they are being torn apart
and will suffer greatly.
Know the river has its destination.
The elders say we must let go of the shore,
push off into the middle of the river,
keep our eyes open,
and our heads above the water.
And I say,
see who is in there with you and celebrate.
At this time in history,
we are to take nothing personally,
least of all ourselves.
For the moment that we do,
our spiritual growth and journey come to a halt.
The time of the lone wolf is over.
Gather yourselves!
Banish the word ’struggle’ from your attitude
and your vocabulary.
All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner
and in celebration.
We are the ones
we’ve been waiting for.
Hopi Elders’ Prophecy
June 8, 2000

The Day
Wanna go on a walk through town
temporarily get rid of this permanent frown
I promise if you come along
I may or may not sing you a song
If you want I can paint you a picture
throw some music into the mixture
Can we watch the waves crash
if so, I think we’re the perfect match
As we walk, our talks may turn sad
we can talk about anything, even the bad
We walk and we talk
how many blocks?
Your hugs make it all worth it
for you, my appreciation won’t quit
So please call me later
don’t ghost me, don’t be a traitor
I hope to see you in a while
you might be my sole reason to smile
Willow, grade 11

break the mold
when I was your age
(and how often have you heard that)
there was no place like this
no option to excel outside
the prescribed limits
no south coast to find
my way in between
lines and tests
the world was going to hell then too
but not like today
it is always different
and the same
dots can only be connected in hindsight
so as you move forward
trust that your dots will somehow connect
because by trusting in something
—your gut feeling, life, destiny—you will discover many meanings in the patterns of your life
look for them
meet them as your own
you can relish in the fact
that there is no more core curriculum
everything from now on
is an elective
the paths infinitely wind
before you
just like the expansive road that connects us
to the rest of the world
high school is something you complete
life is something you experience
every moment builds upon the next
there are no grades
just results
of course your calling isn’t
something I can tell you about
neither can anyone else
only you
it is what you feel
it is the thing that powers you
give you life and inspiration
the thing only you are supposed to do
the thing
you know inside yourself
this poem is about you
it is also about everything else
work toward making poetry
a way of life
whether you pick up a pen
or not

12 Things I Do
Join me in a card game
Ride down a mountain on a forested bumpy hill
Find a good tree to climb and lay in the branches
Go on a walk through the redwoods
Find seashells and small creatures in tidepools
Go along the shore and make imprints in the sand
Make some art
Sing Bob Marley songs in the shower
Tell my friends I love them
(even when it makes things weird)
Eat granny smith apples off the tree
Cook spaghetti dinner for my mom
Tell my little brother extreme stories of mountain climbers
Max, Grade 10
Non-Existent Heart
Oh creativity
Oh calm descent into madness
Oh chaotic realm of the unborn
Do you know what your purpose is?
Do you know what the outcome will be
or do you even care?
Why do you refuse to be tamed, although many try?
You are an oasis in a barren desert
You are a neon thunderstorm
You are a city collapsing on itself
You smell like the metallic scent of blood
You look like love
You taste like pain
Yet you feel like a golden fleece
that shields me from the jagged daggers of the world
I thank you for your protection
and I hope one day
you come out to play
M. Brown, Grade 9
Grade 9