Kirk Lumpkin on Cartwheels on the Sky
Saturday, September 5, 2020
7 – 7:30pm

At My House
The past is screaming from the basement
telling me it knows the score
While I’m wrestling with the present
caught in a tangle on the floor
So I can’t let in the future
knocking loudly on the door
Who I know has come to ask for
more than I ever gave before
Kirk Lumpkin
Cartwheels on the Sky Featuring Kirk Lumpkin on KGUA FM Gualala
This interview features Kirk Lumpkin. Kirk Lumpkin is a poet, spoken word & performance artist, lyricist, and environmentalist. Since moving to Mendocino County in 2016 he has become a California state certified Naturalist; a singer in a community choir, the Emandal Chorale; and a Board member of the Willits Environmental Center.
Before moving to Mendocino County he worked at the Ecology Center in for over 20 years and was according to the Bay Area Poets Seasonal Review: “ . . . an important part of the Bay Area (and beyond) poetry scene for years, hosting readings in San Francisco and Berkeley, helping to facilitate the Watershed Environmental Poetry Festival [with Poetry Flash & former U.S. Poet Laureate, Robert Hass], and hosting open mikes at Burning Man.…”
He has most recently been published in the anthology Fire and Rain: Ecopoetry of California and in Poem In Your Pocket (Berkeley Public Library). More about Kirk can be found at his website:
This show airs live from 7-7:30pm, Saturday, September 5 on KGUA FM 88.3 Gualala, and will stream live on the web at