Life After ~ Integrating the New You
Lesson Introduction
What does tomorrow look like?
So everyone is talking about when the quarantine is going to be lifted. Some states are already allowed to incorporate some activity, and although many of us in California are still on hold, we might as well imagine what it might look like when we start to put our toes back into the water of our collective gathering spots.
Are you nervous? Excited? What do you expect to see? Will life be different? Pretty much the same? Is the virus going to be around forever?
What kind of world are we creating around ourselves as we proceed? How much control? Is it okay to not control…? So many questions.
This lesson aims to look at some of the possible futures we have in store for us. I, for one, always look for the positive side of things, the light at the end of the tunnel, the silver lining, the cat’s pajamas (to use a lot of old clichés to say, the bright side ;).
Check out the examples then find me again on the “How to section” of this page.
- Do you think the world is never going to be the same?
- Do you think you will be able to return to in person school this year?
- What is the first thing you are going to do when people are allowed to truly gather again? (such as visit my grandparents, have a sleepover party, hug everyone I see)
- Are you worried that the virus will come back?
- Do you think the positive changes (less driving, less running around, less breakneck pace, environmental recoveries) will last?
- Do you have hope for the future?

Directions for Writing Your Own Poem
Things to Consider:
- What will the world look like when the quarantine is over?
- What will you do when quarantine is over?
- What will life look like?
- Are you afraid?
- What will school be like?
- What will happen to the environment?
- What do you hope for in the post Covid-19 future?
- Write a poem using the sample scaffolding below (see example)
- Use detail and descriptive language (show don’t tell)
- Do NOT use one word answers—elaborate!
- Write in poetic form (not paragraph form) with short lines
- Title your poem at the end. Make it a unique title and NOT something lazy like “After Covid-19 Poem”.
- And most of all, have fun!
Example Poem (written from the prompts above)
Crystal Ball
When this crazy quarantine is over
the world will be alive
with humans singing and dancing
together again
I will do cartwheels down the beach
I will hug everybody I see
and put my mask in a drawer
Life will be different
because being stuck at home
taught people to listen
to their inner selves more deeply
Sometimes I will be afraid
to watch the news
because I don’t want to see
the horrible Covid come back
School will become more interesting
because life is so much better in person
The environment will blossom
like a sunflower in late summer
Because we realize how important nature is
I dream that our post Covid life will bring
Tolerance, cooperation and understanding
for all
****Now It is your turn****
When this crazy quarantine is over
the world will _______________________________
I will ___________________________________________
I will ___________________________________________
I will ___________________________________________
Life will ________________________________________
because ________________________________________
Sometimes I will be afraid to _________________
because ________________________________________
School will become ___________________________
The environment will_________________________
like a____________________________________________
I dream that our post Covid life will _________
I can't wait to experience what you write!
Audio & Video Inspiration
In the Time of Pandemic
And the people st’ayed home. And read books, and listened, and rested, and exercised, and made art, and played games, and learned new ways of being, and were still. And listened more deeply. Some meditated, some prayed, some danced. Some met their shadows. And the people began to think differently.
And the people healed. And, in the absence of people living in ignorant, dangerous, mindless, and heartless ways, the earth began to heal.
And when the danger passed, and the people joined together again, they grieved their losses, and made new choices, and dreamed new images, and created new ways to live and heal the earth fully, as they had been healed.
Kitty O’Meara

Faith at Home
When this is over
may we never again take for granted
A handshake with a stranger
Full shelves at the store
Conversations with neighbors
A crowded theater
Friday night out
The taste of communion
A routine checkup
The school rush each morning
Coffee with a friend
The stadium roaring
Each deep breath
A boring Tuesday
Life itself.
When this ends
may we find
that we have become
more like the people
we wanted to be
we were called to be
we hoped to be
and may we stay
that way — better
for each other
because of the worst.
Laura Kelly Fanucci
We All Went a Little Crazy
by Armand Brint

When quarantine is over
The world will blossom like nothing before
I will be grateful for all things big and small
I will remember life as it was
I will work to make life as it should be
Full of love, together,
Blossoming, healing
Sometimes I will be afraid
Of close contact
Afraid of it coming back
Afraid of caching it
School will become fuller,
More interesting because
We realize that learning is the key to life
The environment will blossom
Like a tree in spring
Because humans will realize that
We are guests
Earth is the host
I dream that our post quarantine life will bring
And gratitude
Adalaide M., Grade 6
The Virus
Here I sit
In complete isolation.
All of us separated by the invisible.
I would reach out to you,
But a simple elbow touch wouldn’t do.
Lysol spray has become perfume,
Hand sanitizer has become hand lotion,
The news has become the bible.
A simple virus,
Whose name resembles royalty,
Has done the unthinkable.
Destroyed businesses,
And has ruined relationships.
The death toll rises,
And hope decreases.
What to do?
Everyone scrambles to find a solution.
Maybe it is found in the empty grocery shelves,
Or maybe in the fear of going outside.
Online assignments plague the uninfected.
But I believe,
We will all get through this together.
We will all get through this,
Just not with each other.
Katy L.
Grade 11