Poet Motherbear Scott on Cartwheels on the Sky
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Saturday, February 6, 2020

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Cartwheels on the Sky Featuring poet Marylyn “Motherbear” Scott on KGUA FM Gualala 

This week’s Cartwheels on the Sky feature the poems and process of Mendocino county poet Marylyn “Motherbear” Scott.

Marylyn Motherbear Scott, who writes memoir, poems, poetic narration, and theatre review. A founding member & editor for the online journal Coreopsis, she is published by Cauldron Press; Bantam Press, Skinner Press, Coreopsis, Green Egg, and WMC Anthologies and regularly features in readings around Northern California.

She is also published in Edward Searl’s anthology, Beyond Absence (2006), in Hill/Baker/Starhawk’s Circle Round (1998), Annette White Parks’ anthology of women writers, Word Weavers, The Dragonslayer’s Daughter and a book of poetry, Love’s Journey. She is currently focusing on gathering and writing her memoirs, Ohm. Sweet Mystery as well as on a non-fiction book, In Your Own Rite. She began writing reviews for the Brookline Times in the late 50’s. Today, her reviews and other writing can be seen in the local Press.

Motherbear also has a long history of non-violent protest and demonstration for Peace and she was on the creative edge of the Psychedelic Revolution in the early 60’s, the Harvard days of Alpert and Leary, journeyed to the Bay Area in 1967, the Summer of Love, with husband and first two (of six) children. Connecting with the Stanford Writing Group, later known as Kesey and the Merry Pranksters, she taught theatre, creative writing and dance at Peninsula School in Menlo Park. 

She the four youngest of her six kids went on the Great Peace March for Global Nuclear Disarmament in 1986, from California to Washington, DC. During this time, she wrote and produced an original dance/theater piece, seventeen verses of Haiku. Titled Sadako’s Dance of the Thousand Crane it was performed in town squares and church basements, at Notre Dame, Kent State; and later, in Europe, Russia, and Czechoslovakia. Her continued activism for peace and the environment brought both her theatrical and poetical presence to rallies, demonstrations and venues along the peace path.

More information about Marylyn “Motherbear” Scott, can be found via her website:

Listen live from 7-7:30pm, Saturday, February 6 at 88.3, KGUA FM Gualala. Also streams live at

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