Poet Peter Lit on Cartwheels on the Sky
Cartwheels on the Sky Featuring Peter Lit on KGUA FM Gualala
This week’s Cartwheels on the Sky feature the poems and process of of Mendocino county poet Peter Lit. Peter was born in 1944, and eventually graduating from UC Berkeley as a political science major in the midst of the Free Speech Movement. He says he missed graduation since he was in Denver playing bridge professionally — which was his livelihood until he moved to the Haight Ashbury in the 60s. In 1969 he moved to Mendocino, and in 1971 he moved to Greenwood Ridge where he built his home.
His poems have been published in the New Settler Review, The Mendocino Review and the Anderson Valley Advertiser, and he was the poetry editor of the Mendocino Review. He was also one of the authors of “The Western Edge: Thirty-Three Poets (Ten Mile River Press, 1979). He first read publicly at an open mike in San Francisco in the ’60’s, and started reading on the Mendocino coast in the early ’70’s when Kendrick Petty had regular readings at the Greenwood Pier Cafe. He has also read at the Mendocino Stories and Music Series, Toad Hall, the Hill House and the Seagull, the Uncommon Good, the Point Arena Theater and the Caspar Inn!
He has lived in the same place for almost 50 years, 17 of which were basically devoted to the Caspar Inn. He retired in 1996. Since then he has traveled, played bridge, gardened and watched too many of his friends die. His latest collection of poems is called As Far as the Mind Can See.
Listen live from 7-7:30pm, Saturday, April 3 at 88.3, KGUA FM Gualala. Also streams live at https://kgua.org