Poet Susan Wooldridge on Cartwheels on the Sky
Cartwheels on the Sky Featuring Susan Wooldridge on KGUA FM Gualala
On Saturday, August 7, 2021 from 7-7:30, Cartwheels on the Sky (always the first Saturday of the month) features the poems and process of Northern California poet and best selling author Susan Wooldridge.
Susan has held workshops on creative language and process with thousands of adults and children. Her book poemcrazy: freeing your life with words is now in a 32nd printing. Anne Lamott wrote, “This is a wonderful book—smart, wide-eyed, joyful, helpful, inspiring. You’re going to love it, and love writing poetry more for having read it.” Recently poemcrazy was number 7 on a Penguin/Random House list of the 28 best books on writing.
Susan’s chapbook of poems, Bathing with Ants, was published by Bear Star Press. Both poemcrazy and her book, Foolsgold: Making Something from Nothing (and Freeing Your Creative Process) were Quality Paperback Book selections.
For many years Susan has held workshops in rural California libraries sponsored by Poets & Writers Org. and CA. Center for the Book. Susan has worked in over 80 libraries and her workshops have been featured in Poets and Writers magazine.
Susan is now writing a book about land and language from her hilltop office in a “canned ham” vintage trailer. She lives in a co-housing village in Chico, CA. and part time in Graton, CA. For more information, check out Susan’s website susanwooldridge.com
Listen live from 7-7:30pm, Saturday, August 7 at 88.3, KGUA FM Gualala. Also streams live at https://kgua.org